We have developed our Enerflexo Series to become highly robust flexible chain cables for constant moving applications. The cable is specially designed for allow for suitable modern automated manufacturing systems. The cable can be used inside and outdoors, and to be used with appropriately sized energy chain systems. Our engineers have designed the cable to meet the highest service life requirements in mind.
How we accomplish this?
We begin our design through 2 separate approaches: Materials and Construction.
First of all, we work closely with major material engineering companies, including 3M, BASF, to customize our sheath materials to accommodate the tough environmental criteria of our customers. Special formula polyurethane and thermoplastic elastomers are used to increase the service life of the cable while leaving the flexible nature of the cable intact.
We not only have customize design insulation and sheath materials for our cables. We also surveyed special alloy conductor materials for use in improving the strength of our conductors, which effectively increases the service life of our cables.
As for cable construction, our engineers have come up with clever and calculated designs to meticulously manufacture the cables according to the designed twist lengths. The specially designed twist lengths are optimized to lower the friction of the inner cores in relation to the motion of the cable movement. This goes not only on the cores of the cables but also on the conductors. We manufacture cables with braided conductors in case of the highest moving requirements.
Our drag chain application cables are UL approved.
EMC compliant drag chain cables are also available upon request.
Thermocouple Compensating Wires for Drag Chain Applications
The thermocouple compensating wires are designed for connecting thermocouples to moving instruments in the case of temperature measurements. This cable is designed for increased requirements for moving application in the field of automation and robotic technology.
Below is an example of thermocouple wire for use with the the K-Type thermocouple.